Stopping Gammu to send delivery reports

i’ve been using since a few days gammu with playsms, and always appears working like a charm, ecept one thing! I can’t stop gammu/playsms sending delivery reports, even if in my /etc/gammurc file i’ve set (after first sent messages) DeliveryReport = no
I’ve read other posts in which other users had similar problme using smstools as gateway, but in that case the delivery was hardcoded in fn.php page, but i haven’t found anything concerning this in gammu directories…
Where Am I wrong ?
Thanks in advance


I was experiencing the opposite with kannel: needed DLRs from gsm modems and wasn´t getting them. Resolved setting a parameter that asked kannel to query gsm modem sim card for stored messages. The same doesn´t apply for gammu? Say, if you configure it to ignore sim card messages storage?

Thanks for your reply … can you please explain me better from where you tell kanel to ignore stored message? Is it a kannel or a playsms setting? … from what i see mine it’s a playsms problem becauae gammu has a specific option for that but it is overridden when sending through playsms ws

I tell from kannel configs. It is a kannel setting. Understand. So, take a look on fn.php under plugin/gateway/gammu, look for sendsms function.