playSMS daemon status NOT running with RED label

yes, should point to a correct playsmsd daemon script (bin) and playsmsd.conf

for console command, also need to use correct path

daemon is running background, started form console, not form web. start daemon form console as regular user (not root, dont run it as root):

/home/komodo/bin/playsmsd /home/komodo/etc/playsmsd.conf restart

check it:

/home/komodo/bin/playsmsd /home/komodo/etc/playsmsd.conf check


Can you please check this. is this correct
playSMS source path = /home/komodo/src/playsms-1.4.3

playSMS web path = /home/komodo/public_html
playSMS lib path = /home/komodo/lib
playSMS bin path = /home/komodo/bin
playSMS log path = /home/komodo/log

playSMS conf path = /home/komodo/etc

again, run this to check:

/home/komodo/bin/playsmsd /home/komodo/etc/playsmsd.conf check

PLAYSMSD_CONF = /home/komodo/etc/playsmsd.conf
PLAYSMS_PATH = /home/komodo/public_html
PLAYSMS_LIB = /home/komodo/lib
PLAYSMS_BIN = /home/komodo/bin
PLAYSMS_LOG = /home/komodo/log
PIDS schedule = 3753
PIDS ratesmsd = 3755
PIDS dlrssmsd = 3757
PIDS recvsmsd = 3759
PIDS sendsmsd = 3761

its running properly


but still daemon is not running and status is red

daemon is running, the red status is fine as long as the daemon is running, the check is like above then its fine


that also need to be corrected

additional information, relevant code to playSMS daemon status on web is here:

$json = shell_exec($plugin_config['playsmslog']['playsmsd']['bin'] . ' ' . $plugin_config['playsmslog']['playsmsd']['conf'] . ' check_json');

the web execute shell command:

/home/komodo/bin/playsmsd /home/komodo/etc/playsmsd.conf check_json

and looking for IS_RUNNING state, 1 or 0

Unhandled I see… Ensure Incoming SMS configured properly plus take a look in senders id should be included in SMS. I don’t see which application he used for his modems

Ok there there his using smstools. Ok