Forward incoming sms to a webservice URL

I need help in how to forward a incoming sms to a webservice.
We have an API webhook listening for incoming messages. The messages are received and shown in the playsms inbox. I did try to set up urls in two places. One under route incoming sms and other under features → manage custom
I have attached a screenshot below.

I did get git hits on my webserver at random times but it’s not working how I expect it to.
I had set some parameters based on what was written. Also I tried the url with any parameter as shown in the images below.

This is what is received on my webserver (a few like these): “GET /api//?json=%7BSANDBOX_DATETIME%7D&s=%7BSANDBOX_SENDER%7D&m=%7BSANDBOX_MESSAGE%7D&r=%7BSANDBOX_RECEIVER%7D HTTP/1.1”.
I though these parameters would act as placeholders but they just came as is.

Also judging from the logs it did seems I would be getting the correct data but it just came similar above and came at a random time or you can say not at the time when the sms was actually received in playsms inbox.

    • 2022-03-02 13:00:33 PID619779108be98 - L3 recvsmsd # id:6863 dt:2022-03-02 14:00:32 sender:+1SENDER m:Test 13 receiver:+1RECEIVER smsc:
    • 2022-03-02 13:00:33 PID619779108be98 - L3 recvsms_process # dt:2022-03-02 14:00:32 sender:+ 1SENDER m:Test 13 receiver:+ 1RECEIVER smsc:
    • 2022-03-02 13:00:33 PID619779108be98 - L3 recvsms_process # unhandled datetime:2022-03-02 14:00:32 sender:+ 1SENDER receiver:+ 1RECEIVER message:Test 13
    • 2022-03-02 13:00:33 PID619779108be98 - L3 incoming__recvsms_intercept_after # sandbox match sender start u:1RECEIVER dt:2022-03-02 14:00:32 s:+******* r:+****** m:[Test 13]
    • 2022-03-02 13:00:33 PID619779108be98 - L2 recvsms_inbox_add # saving sender:+ 1SENDER receiver:+ 1RECEIVER target:1RECEIVER reference_id:
    • 2022-03-02 13:00:33 PID619779108be98 - L2 recvsms_inbox_add # saved id:6857 sender:+ 1SENDER receiver:+ 1RECEIVER target: 1RECEIVER
    • 2022-03-02 13:00:33 PID619779108be98 - L3 recvsms_inbox_add # send email from: [email @ domain](mailto:email@ domain) to: 1RECEIVER message:[Test 13]
    • 2022-03-02 13:00:33 PID619779108be98 - L2 sendmail # start [](mailto:from email @ domain) to: 1RECEIVER subject:Message from +1SENDER
    • 2022-03-02 13:00:33 PID619779108be98 - L3 recvsms_inbox_add # sent email from: email@domain to: 1RECEIVER
    • 2022-03-02 13:00:33 PID619779108be98 - L3 incoming__recvsms_intercept_after # sandbox match sender end u: 1RECEIVER
    • 2022-03-02 13:00:33 PID619779108be98 - L3 incoming__recvsms_intercept_after # sandbox forward to URL start url:[FORWARDED.URL?json=2022-03-02+14%3A00%3A32&s=%2B1SENDER&m=Test+13&r=%2B1RECEIVER]
    • 2022-03-02 13:00:33 PID619779108be98 - L3 incoming__recvsms_intercept_after # sandbox forward to URL end response:


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Any help on this? Anyone?

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