Workflow from Sandbox to Inbos

Good morning, I need help to understand the workflow of SMS inserted in the Sandbox.
I found the record in the table playsms_tblSMSIncoming and in the table playsms_tblRecvSMS but nothing in the table playsms_tblSMSInbox.

I have configured a rule in the incoming sms route to send sms info via http.


Try setting Route incoming SMS, from admin setting menu


Thanks anton. I already have configured in “Route incoming SMS” but I do not understand all the configuration process. Is there any documentation?


There is no written documentation I think, but you can ask here since its only afew, I mean not much to configure, and theres hint too in the menu


In the first installation and configuration of playsms, after the simulation of incoming sms I found a record in inbox table. After the configuration of Route incoming sms, if I try again, I cannot see the record in the inbox folder but only in the “incoming” table and “RecvSMS” table.
This behavior could depend on the configuration of route incoming sms?


Incoming SMS matched by sender ID of playSMS users, if matched then forward to user’s inbox. Other setting can be found in Route incoming SMS


Thanks Anton :grinning: