[solved] Features: Manage Subscribre

Hi All
I have playsms 1.4.3
In Features i have set message for subscribers.
But when i sent message i have blank page.
Please help

Find your php.ini and set display_errors = on, restart web server (Apache2, or Nginx) and also restart php-fpm if you use it. You should then see what error in that blank page.


Found the problem.

Edit your plugin/feature/sms_subscribe/sms_subscribe.php, and go to line 723, you will see:

$sms_to = '';

Edit that into this:

$sms_to = array();

Also, edit plugin/feature/sms_subscribe/fn.php and go to line 91, change:

$bc_to = '';


$bc_to = array();


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Thanks it’s ok now… (please can i have your profesionnal mail ?)


You can email me to the email in github security:


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