Receive sms problem - kannel + smpp

I’m read many topics and try many config, Send and DLR status is working from playsms is normal.
but i can’t set Receive sms in my system (playsms + kannel with smpp)
If i send sms to my “server number” , sms delivered and i cat see sms in kannel status page /store-status and see delivered sms in spool dir. kannel, but sms not received into playsms.

In logs clear! no error , no warnings…
Can anybody help me!? plz!

##     group = core
##     admin-port = 13000
##     admin-password = passwd
##     smsbox-port = 13001
##     log-file = /var/log/kannel/kannel.log
##     access-log = /var/log/kannel/access_kannel.log
##     dlr-storage = internal
##     #dlr-storage = mysql  
##     store-type = spool
##     store-location = /var/spool/kannel
##     sms-resend-freq=2
##     log-level = 0
##     sms-combine-concatenated-mo = 1
##     sms-combine-concatenated-mo-timeout = 600

##     group = smsc
##     smsc = smpp
##     smsc-id = PROVIDER
##     interface-version =34
##     throughput = 2
##     host = PRVIDER_IP
##     port = 2222
##     smsc-username =name
##     smsc-password =passwd
##     system-type = VMA
##     source-addr-ton = 5
##     source-addr-npi = 0
##     dest-addr-ton = 1
##     dest-addr-npi = 1
##     enquire-link-interval = 180
##     msg-id-type = 0x01
##     transceiver-mode = true

##     group = smsbox
##     bearerbox-host = KANNEL_SERVICE_IP
##     smsbox-id = SMPP
##     sendsms-port = 13013
##     global-sender = 13013
##     log-file = /var/log/kannel/smsbox.log
##     log-level = 0

##     group = sendsms-user
##     username = test
##     password = passwd
##     default-sender = name
##     concatenation = true
##     max-messages = 3

##     group = sms-service
##     keyword = default
##     omit-empty = true
##     max-messages = 3
##     get-url  = "http://IP_PLAYSMS_GUI/plugin/gateway/kannel/geturl.php?t=%t&q=%q&a=%aQ=%Q&msc=%i"
##     post-url = "http://IP_PLAYSMS_GUI/plugin/gateway/kannel/geturl.php?t=%t&q=%q&a=%a&=%Q&msc=%i"

##     group = mysql-connection
##     id = mydlr
##     host = "mysql_host_ip"
##     username = playsms
##     password = "passwd"
##     database = playsms
##     port = 3306
##     max-connections = 2

##     group = dlr-db
##     id = mydlr
##     table = playsms_tbldlr
##     field-smsc = smsc
##     field-timestamp = ts
##     field-destination = destination
##     field-source = source
##     field-service = service
##     field-url = url
##     field-mask = mask
##     field-status = status
##     field-boxc-id = boxc

Not sure, but in you configuration, is missing smsbox-route section.

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In logs only this warning WARNING: smsbox_list empty!

I’m don’t find in examples smsbox-route section for playsms.
Can yom show me example this section for smsplay?

Thank you very much, you were right!

Still a problem… In all incoming sms in smsplay contain at the end of the message Q=13013
for example:

13013 this is port a group = smsbox

How to remove it in incoming sms ?
Thx for help me.

missing & in


put it and voilá

Hi all,
I’m getting the problem normal user cannot see “Incoming SMS” but only admin users can see.
How to fix for my case, appreciated for your support!