Messages Flags Help

Hi Anton,

I just made an upgrade from playsms 1.0 to 1.3.1. A lot of changes by the way.
I was checking the sendsmsd function in the /plugin/core/send_sms/fn.php file:

In playsms 1.0 you have this:
$db_query = "SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREF . "_tblSMSOutgoing_queue WHERE flag=‘0’ " . $queue_sql;

In playsms 1.3.1 you have this:
$db_query = "SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREF . "_tblSMSOutgoing_queue WHERE flag=‘3’ " . $queue_sql;

I’m trying to understand: what is the right flag (0 or 3) that you are considering as messages that need to be send? because checking your master repo in github, in the queue report you made a fix where you consider both of them 0 and 3, so I’m confused.

I really need to know this because currently I can’t send messages. I’d really appreciate your help on this.


I have gone through with similar error when tries to send BulkSMS but it get resolved automatically

Hi Anton

are you still facing the issue so can contact us we will try to give you best solutions as we’re the bulks sms provider in Indore and have our own platform for sending Bulk sms also you can get a free demo.