Generic SMSC: fail no hook for sendsms // no sms sending

Hi all,

when we try to send a sms with the generic gateway (called genericstwat) we get the following error, and no sms is going out:

    • 2016-12-13 11:42:16 PID584fd08801e9e - L2 sendsmsd # start processing queue_code:e9c8dc9282ea93368767b723dd4e74a8 chunk:0 queue_count:1 sms_count:1 scheduled:2016-12-13 11:42:15 uid:1 gpid:0 sender_id:1234
    • 2016-12-13 11:42:16 PID584fd08801e9e - L2 sendsmsd # sending queue_code:e9c8dc9282ea93368767b723dd4e74a8 smslog_id:23 to:43664805218190 sms_count:1 counter:1
    • 2016-12-13 11:42:16 PID584fd08801e9e - L2 sendsms_process # start
    • 2016-12-13 11:42:16 PID584fd08801e9e - L2 simplerate_hook_rate_cansend # allowed user uid:1 sms_to:43664805218190 adhoc_credit:1000 count:1 rate: charge:0 adhoc_balance:1000
    • 2016-12-13 11:42:16 PID584fd08801e9e - L2 sendsms # saving smslog_id:23 u:1 parent_uid:0 g:0 gw:generic smsc:genericstwat s:1234 d:43664805218190 type:text unicode:0 status:0
    • 2016-12-13 11:42:16 PID584fd08801e9e - L2 sendsms_process # saved smslog_id:23 id:21
    • 2016-12-13 11:42:16 PID584fd08801e9e - L2 generic_hook_sendsms # failed smslog_id:23 resp:[] smsc:genericstwat
    • 2016-12-13 11:42:16 PID584fd08801e9e - L2 sendsms_process # fail no hook for sendsms
    • 2016-12-13 11:42:16 PID584fd08801e9e - L2 sendsms_process # end

Our smsc is configured:

Gateway: generic
SMSC name : genericstwat
Generic send SMS URL:{GENERIC_TO}&messageContent={GENERIC_MESSAGE}
API username: null
API Password: null
Module sender ID : null
Module timezone : null

The following steps were checked:

  • user has credits
  • sms outgoing route is defined

What have we forgotten?

Problem solved. The necessary account id was the Problem.