Gammu plugin supports multiple modem tests


I just pushed changes on Gammu gateway plugin.

Anybody interested helping me testing gateway plugin Gammu for supports on multiple modem, let me know, posts here.


I use the Gammu for the two modems and funfuje well.
Gammu is running as a daemon for each modem separately
Each daemon has its own configuration file, and it is written one modem.
(mobile phone Erricsson + USB modem Huawei)

Do you mean a different way of working Gammu for multiple modems?

yes, that is multiple modem. playSMS only recently supports this, hence this topic


so in that case it has been testing :smile:

let me confirm you, you have used multiple modems with Gammu and connect them with playSMS, in your playSMS you have 2 SMSC and you can route them separately if you want to

Is that so ?


I use it as follows:

Hi Anton,

Does play sms supports multiple modems in gammu…

Yes, it supports multiple modems

Dear Anton,

I have playsms work properly with gammu with on modem. now need to work with two modem , wtah do i must do ?
Do i have do create another file (SMSD) named gammu1-smsc (the first is named gammu-smsc) ?

I appreciate your help.

Get the plugin running for multiple modems without any problems :grin: . Currently I have it running with 6 modems (I plan to connect 30). Only that detects a small employer that I do not know if it is an error.

As the shipments are carried out alongside the queue, the use of RAM increases exponentially, until occupying all of it. Check with Htop and the process that consumes it is: mysqld. Does something similar happen to someone?

root@sms:~# free -m
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:          4713       4600        113         18        140       4071
-/+ buffers/cache:        388       4325
Swap:         4058          0       4058

RAM with htop:


Hi dexter,

Could you explain how didi configured the gammu (smsdrc) to run multiple modem ?

Mateus, você deve rodar uma instância para cada modem. Porque não usar o Kannel, que parece uma alternativa bem melhor?

Edson bom dia, primeiro fico feliz por encontrar alguém q fala português neste fórum. Relativamente à pergunta a escolha do gammu é por causa do modem (Samsung galax 4 Mini) q uso para conectar ao SMSc. Criar múltiplas instância implica um ficheiro ( gammu_smsdrc) para cada modem ou no mesmo ficheiro adicionar várias portas (uma cada cada modem). Se puderes ilustrar um exemplo fico grato

Bom dia Mateus. Entendi o motivo da sua escolha. Creio que o kannel lide bem com ele também.

De qualquer forma, creio que isto irá te ajudar:

A idéia é criar dois arquivos de configuração, um para cada modem. O ficheiro onde são armazenadas as mensagens, acredito que possa ser o mesmo. Aí você vai rodar dois daemons.

Edilson muito obrigado. Vou testar as duas opções ( kannel e gammu múltipla instância ).