Docker install issues

hi anton

Ive install the docker image (locally) and it all seems to be working ok as i get this output

crypto@crypto ~ $ sudo docker exec c5294 playsmsd status
playsmsd is running
schedule at pid 1309
ratesmsd at pid 1311
dlrssmsd at pid 1313
recvsmsd at pid 1315
sendsmsd at pid 1317
crypto@crypto ~ $

But when i navigate to localhost:playsms in the browser there is nothing there
any suggestions as to what i may have done wrong ??

i followed this guide as im not too good with linux

thanks in advance

to be clear when i say locally i mean on my desktop (for testing)
Is it possible i need to install XAMPP to serve the webpage ??

navigate to http://localhost:11080 after docker playsms started


i try still not working

hmm should work tho, try login to SSH:

ssh -p 11022 root@localhost

default password is changemeplease

if you can login SSH, then you should be able to browse playSMS inside docker

Simple localhost working :slight_smile:

Problem now is gamma smsd not working but gamma from comandline is

That means you are using the old version, the new one is in port 11080 for web and 11022 for SSH
