Delivery of sms

playsms and kannel configured succefully
and messages are going to mobiles both bulk and individual
but playsms showing all sent messages in pending
How to get delivery report?

I have the same problem. It is necessary to correctly configure URL wherein Playsms expects DLR report and correctly transmit in a request for sending sms to Kannel. But I can’t to configure it correctly. In my Playsms log I see records like "PID55eeb58773993 - L3 kannel_hook_sendsms # URL: http://localhost:13013/cgi-bin/sendsms?username=USERNAME&password=PASSWORD&from=&to=************&dlr-mask=&dlr-url=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%2Fplaysms%2Findex.php%3Fapp%3Dcall%26cat%3Dgateway%26plugin%3Dkannel%26access%3Ddlr%26type%3D%d%26smslog_id%3D125%26uid%3D1%26smsc%3Dgsm1&charset=UTF-16BE&coding=2&account=admin&text=%40825BK ! )&smsc=gsm1&coding=2&charset=UTF-8"
I see that Playsms does not set dlr-mask parameter. If I adjust it with additional URL parameters its also does not work.
You have the same problems with DLR-mask parameters? Did your Kannel receive DLR report from SMSC?

Ok. I’ve got DLR :slight_smile:
I just change some in /playsms/plugin/gateway/kannel/fn.php
uncomment string 87 "$URL .= “&dlr-mask=31&dlr-url=”.urlencode($dlr_url);"
and comment string 88 "$URL .= “&dlr-mask=” . $plugin_config[‘kannel’][‘dlr’] . “&dlr-url=” . urlencode($dlr_url);"
Also you can use another dlr-mask if you need.
Thanks to emmanuel))

Ill fix that, it was intended to be added manually by admin through additional url parameter


Thank you, @anton. As I wrote if I adjust it with “additional URL parameters” its also does not work.
Also could you pay attention to this post?

Hi Anton ,
What should i write in smsc for dlr mask opion . I have configured playsms + kannel successfully . But All reports are showing in pending status . But sms is delivered

I have a problem, kannel + playsms configures, the All sent messages report show that the message is failed to send, but when try to send direct from kannel it sent, how do I check the log? although the playsms.log has nothing upnormal

Please find below is the status of log file . Message deliver is not showinh in playsms report
2 sendsms_process # end

    • 2016-01-01 00:33:22 PID56857bfab0dd3 - L2 sendsmsd # result queue_code:958342515723452a1d114092ed939dc5 to:917840086250 flag:1 smslog_id:18
    • 2016-01-01 00:33:22 PID56857bfab0dd3 - L2 sendsmsd # finish processing queue_code:958342515723452a1d114092ed939dc5 uid:1 sender_id:SHORTK queue_count:1 sms_count:1 2015-12-31 19:03:23 PID56857bfb5fe3c - L2 kannel__call # start load:/var/www/html/plugin/gateway/kannel/dlr.php 2015-12-31 19:03:23 PID56857bfb5fe3c - L2 kannel__dlr # unable to process DLR. remote_addr:[] or remote_host:[] does not match with your bearerbox_host config:[] smsc:[trans]
    • 2016-01-01 00:33:23 PID56857bc0b0b59 - L3 dlrd # id:18 smslog_id:18 p_status:0 uid:1

what should be setting for bearbox for playsms


Did anyone fixed the pending issue ?



Hi friends, same issue for me, and i´m getting really mad to get it working. Anybody has found a solution?.

With dlr_mask 31 in playsms you get ok the dlr status, not working with mask 27:

23-01-2016 19:25:24 PID569c09d6f36c3 - L3 dlrd # id:106 smslog_id:88 p_status:0 uid:1

but still remote address error remains and yellow pending status: 23-01-2016 19:25:24 PID56a3c5940b0b4 - L2 kannel__call # start load:/var/www/html/playsms/plugin/gateway/kannel/dlr.php 23-01-2016 19:25:24 PID56a3c5940b0b4 - L2 kannel__dlr # unable to process DLR. remote_addr:[] or remote_host:[] does not match with your bearerbox_host config:[]

My config: -> kannel + mysql -> apache + playsms -> router gateway

Anton please could you give us a hand, certainly we don´t know where to look for this issue!

Thank you!

Is your bearerbox hostname and config get-url same ip ?

Settings ==> Manage gateway and SMSC==> Manage ==> Bearerbox hostname or IP =
Settings ==> Manage gateway and SMSC==> Manage ==>Send SMS hostname or IP = localhost
Settings ==> Manage gateway and SMSC==> Manage ==>DLR mask = 27
kannel config
get-url = "$

havn’t solved it yet
stll i dont recieve my dlr

here’s my config

kannel with playsms and smsc on differnet machine working fine

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Hi friends!, thanks to your tips now my config is working perfectly with dlr report status (i got the blue icon!). So i want to share the info with all people interested in this issue.

My config, two virtual machines, : ( → kannel (only smpp config) + mysql ( → apache + playsms install on /sms → router gateway

dlr stop working if [playSMS web url] parameter is set to https, so use http


get-url = “” <— this works with ssl https too

Really thanks!!

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i still can’t figure this out
my config -
kannel with internal storage on machine x.x.x.x
playsms + apache on machine y.y.y.y
smsc on third machine z.z.z.z

kannel is receiving dlr and internal storage has been activated.

playsms shows messages in sent status (green status) only with billing perfectly ok…
no messages in delivered status?
dlr mask is set to 27

how and where to configure dlr in kannel
my playsms url y.y.y.y/playsms

help plz


Post your kannel.log and your playsms log

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okay for that i’ll have to come back,…since its on the intranet.
i’ll post

Your carrier plan/connection-price gives you dlr reporting? Not all plans have it, only direct and “high quality” connections.

Consider it.

i could not find playsms log
its not generating under var/log/playsms

I had set the dlr mask to 31 and now all my pending (though delivered msgs) have gone from pending to sent (green status) column in ‘my report’ page but i am not able to get those messages in delivered state.

kannel is using internal storage

can somebody share their kannel conf which gives delivery status to playsms

Currently I am going through with the similar problem When I sent Bulk SMS some of the contact show pending status but they successfully got the SMS