Custom SMS gateway

I want connect Playsms to external SMS Panel.
I have webservice information of this panel like this pattern.

ini_set("soap.wsdl_cache_enabled", "0");
$sms_client = new SoapClient('', array('encoding'=>'UTF-8'));

$parameters['username'] = "demo";
$parameters['password'] = "demo";
$parameters['to'] = "912...";
$parameters['from'] = "1000..";
$parameters['text'] ="تست";
$parameters['isflash'] =false;

echo $sms_client->SendSimpleSMS2($parameters)->SendSimpleSMS2Result;

How can I connect this panel to playsms
Can I connect it with generic gateway?
Thank you in advance

I think not. Generic gateway supports only http requests, not Soap. However, you can aways create a new gateway copying/modifying some of the current gateways

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So I can use generic gateway if have http post or get webservice ?