Couldn't connect to SMS center (retrying in 10 seconds)

Hello, @anton, How are you?
Thanks for develop a useful application for SMS playSMS. I am facing a problem with connecting my GSM device with Kannel getaway for playSMS. I bought a device from Ejointech device and now. In my device, I have created an SMPP account and now I am not able to connect my device SMPP with Kannel. Can you please help me to fix this? My device has no firewall.

I am getting this error log in Kannel log:

2021-04-27 09:41:08 [974] [8] DEBUG: Thread 8 (gw/smsc/smsc_smpp.c:io_thread) maps to pid 974.
2021-04-27 09:41:08 [974] [8] DEBUG: Connecting to <x.x.x.x>
2021-04-27 09:41:09 [974] [5] INFO: Client connected from <> 
2021-04-27 09:41:09 [974] [5] DEBUG: Started thread 10 (gw/bb_boxc.c:function)
2021-04-27 09:41:09 [974] [10] DEBUG: Thread 10 (gw/bb_boxc.c:function) maps to pid 974.
2021-04-27 09:41:09 [974] [10] DEBUG: Started thread 11 (gw/bb_boxc.c:boxc_sender)
2021-04-27 09:41:09 [974] [10] DEBUG: boxc_receiver: got boxc_id <smsbox1> from <>
2021-04-27 09:41:09 [974] [11] DEBUG: Thread 11 (gw/bb_boxc.c:boxc_sender) maps to pid 974.
2021-04-27 09:43:17 [974] [8] ERROR: connect to <x.x.x.x> failed
2021-04-27 09:43:17 [974] [8] ERROR: System error 110: Connection timed out
2021-04-27 09:43:17 [974] [8] ERROR: error connecting to server `x.x.x.x' at port `2775'
2021-04-27 09:43:17 [974] [8] ERROR: SMPP[smpp3]: Couldn't connect to server.
2021-04-27 09:43:17 [974] [8] ERROR: SMPP[smpp3]: Couldn't connect to SMS center (retrying in 10 seconds).
2021-04-27 09:43:27 [974] [8] DEBUG: Connecting to <x.x.x.x>


Kannel cannot connect to smpp server IP and port, as the log stated

If you’re certain that no firewall blocking then perhaps the server is not up

Im not familiar with the device, but there should be diagnostic/operation tools/signs saying that the service is up and running

You can try telnet from your pc:

telnet x.x.x.x 2775

Please redact real/production information before posting here, information such as IP, hostname, user, password etc should not be posted in public.


Thanks, @anton for the fast reply. I was asked Ejointech they say we have no firewall on the device. I am trying to connect it but no luck. Okay, I will ask further if I can fix the connection error.
Thanks again

In the device maybe no firewall, how about between Kannel and the device ?

Try to telnet from Kannel server to make sure you can access smpp IP and port


Is there anything which i should add here:

group = smsc
smsc-id = smpp3
smsc = smpp
interface-version = 34
host = device_public_ip
port = 2775
system-id = smpp
smsc-username = username
smsc-password = password
system-type = default
transceiver-mode = 1

Test with telnet first, from the server with Kannel on it, do the telnet test


If I use my web access port then I will get an error like that.

2021-04-27 16:47:21 [971] [8] DEBUG: Connecting to <my_Device_IP>
2021-04-27 16:47:21 [971] [8] DEBUG: SMPP[smpp3]: Sending PDU:
2021-04-27 16:47:21 [971] [8] DEBUG: SMPP PDU 0x7fc4780010b0 dump:
2021-04-27 16:47:21 [971] [8] DEBUG:   type_name: bind_transceiver
2021-04-27 16:47:21 [971] [8] DEBUG:   command_id: 9 = 0x00000009
2021-04-27 16:47:21 [971] [8] DEBUG:   command_status: 0 = 0x00000000
2021-04-27 16:47:21 [971] [8] DEBUG:   sequence_number: 629 = 0x00000275
2021-04-27 16:47:21 [971] [8] DEBUG:   system_id: "smpp"
2021-04-27 16:47:21 [971] [8] DEBUG:   password: "password"
2021-04-27 16:47:21 [971] [8] DEBUG:   system_type: "default"
2021-04-27 16:47:21 [971] [8] DEBUG:   interface_version: 52 = 0x00000034
2021-04-27 16:47:21 [971] [8] DEBUG:   addr_ton: 0 = 0x00000000
2021-04-27 16:47:21 [971] [8] DEBUG:   addr_npi: 0 = 0x00000000
2021-04-27 16:47:21 [971] [8] DEBUG:   address_range: NULL
2021-04-27 16:47:21 [971] [8] DEBUG: SMPP PDU dump ends.
root@finaldev:~# telnet my_Device_IP 1221
Trying my_Device_IP...
Connected to my_Device_IP.
Escape character is '^]'.
^C^CConnection closed by foreign host.

So the smpp port is 1221 or 2775? You telnet to 1221, your Kannel config set to port 2775


HI, @anton, I have fixed the connection problem. I have added SMPP to Kannel and Kannel added to playSMS. Can I know how to send an SMS to my phone number? I try to send an SMS but not able to receive it.

Hi, @anton, I have add credit but credit not showing. And when i try to send sms then i am getting error like that.

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